Eress Forum 2025

We would like to invite you to our annual Eress Forum this coming 12th. of June 2025, in Split, Croatia! 

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Infrastruturas de Portugal becomes Eress 10th. partner

Portugal’s railway infrastructure manager, Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP), officially joins Eress today,1 January 2025, as its 10th partner.

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Ready today for the railways of tomorrow

Eress works for a common and standardised railway throughout Europe. This non-profit organization, wholly owned by its nine current partners, uses the jointly owned Erex IT System to exchange and settle energy in nine countries and across borders. 

Trusted by our partners



What does Eress do?

Eress ensures transparency when invoicing energy to Train Companies. It does it through its leading European train settlement system, Erex. Eress is an open partnership of railway infrastructure managers.

Together, we are working towards the standardisation of railway energy across Europe. This is achieved through the development, implementation, and supply of Eress energy settlement solutions.

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What is Eress?

Eress is a non-profit organisation, jointly owned by its current 10 European partners.

All partners are working together ensuring transparent energy bills for train companies in Europe.

  • Eress provides stability in uncertain times by making possible to control and save energy
  • Eress works to help train operators to remain competitive by ensuring they pay only for the energy they consume
  • Eress invites all infrastructure managers in Europe to work together, ensuring transparent energy bills for all train companies 

partners working together for an eco-smart future


trains connected to the Erex system


train operators in Europe are billed through Erex system


saving potential for trains using Erex


You can learn more about railway energy and Eress by going to our knowledge sharing events.


Our partners

What do our partners say 
about Eress?


“Eress is the best community for facing together this challenging moment. Sharing of experiences and knowledge among partners is very helpful for us”

Adif, Spain
María Victoria Calleja Duro


“Eress is a knowledge sharing community helping each other in complex niche market. Thanks to the Eress partnership, Infrabel is able to fulfil its mandatory tasks at low cost and with high quality”

Infrabel, Belgium
Bart Van der Spiegel


“Eress know-how and collaboration have contributed to energy efficiency at CFL” 

CFL, Luxembourg
Britta Schreiner


“We are proud that banedanmark has been an Eress member from the start and to see how Eress partnership continues to grow” 

banedanmark, Denmark
Mads Thostrup


“We are proud to be one of the pioneer Eress countries and see how the partnership has been growing over the years”

Trafikverket, Sweden
Carl Magnus Kalvestam
